MTW NHS Trust West Kent CCG

Drug Status Key

  • Preferred
  • Second Line
  • Third Line
  • Specialist Initiation
  • Hospital Only
  • Not Approved for Formulary

MTW Trust Wound Care Guidance


 Dressings Formulary 2019

Prevention is key! Use Cavilon Purple on Intact at risk skin. Use Cavilon Blue on Broken Skin due to Moisture Associated Skin Damage.

Compression bandages are to be removed on the acute setting. All patients with wounds should have Wound Assessments and Care Plans in place.

Wounds should be swabbed for MC&S and MRSA on admission and if infection is suspected.

Pathways should be followed for Chronic Leg Ulcers and Cellulitis.

Chart on the back of the Blood Sugar monitoring chart should be completed and sent to podiatrist for Diabetic Foot.

Vascular Team referral should be done if there are vascular concerns or arterial disease history.

PB7 Bandages can be ordered through pharmacy, 24 h patch test is required before first application.

Fungating Wounds pathway should be followed for advice.

TVN referral should be done for patient requiring Larvae Therapy or Topical Negative Therapy (VAC).

PB7 dressing is the only one supplied via pharmacy.

Remember that this is just a guide and should not replace clinical judgement. All appropriate care plans should be in use.