MTW NHS Trust West Kent CCG

Drug Status Key

  • Preferred
  • Second Line
  • Third Line
  • Specialist Initiation
  • Hospital Only
  • Not Approved for Formulary

Bipolar disorder and mania

Drug Safety Update

September 2024: Valproate use in men: as a precaution, men and their partners should use effective contraception

January 2024: Valproate (Belvo, Convulex, Depakote, Dyzantil, Epilim, Epilim Chrono or Chronosphere, Episenta, Epival, and Syonell▼): new safety and educational materials to support regulatory measures in men and women under 55 years of age

October 2023: Valproate: dispense full packs of valproate-containing medicines

August 2023: Valproate: re-analysis of study on risks in children of men taking valproate

December 2022: Valproate: reminder of current Pregnancy Prevention Programme requirements; information on new safety measures to be introduced in the coming months

May 2020: Valproate Pregnancy Prevention Programme: temporary advice for management during coronavirus (COVID-19)

 February 2020: Valproate (Epilim▼, Depakote▼) pregnancy prevention programme: updated educational materials

 April 2019: Valproate medicines and serious harms in pregnancy: new Annual Risk Acknowledgement Form and clinical guidance from professional bodies to support compliance with the Pregnancy Prevention Programme

 March 2019: Medicines with teratogenic potential: what is effective contraception and how often is pregnancy testing needed?

December 2018: Valproate medicines: are you acting in compliance with the pregnancy prevention measures?

 September 2018: Valproate Pregnancy Prevention Programme: actions required now from GPs, specialists, and dispensers

May 2018: Valproate medicines (Epilim▼, Depakote▼): Pregnancy Prevention Programme materials online

April 2018: Valproate medicines (Epilim▼, Depakote▼): contraindicated in women and girls of childbearing potential unless conditions of Pregnancy Prevention Programme are met

 December 2012: Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine and eslicarbazepine potential risk of serious skin reactions

 April 2009: Antiepileptics adverse effects on bone (carbamazepine, phenytoin, primidone and sodium valproate)

NPSA Safety Alert

 Safer lithium therapy, December 2009

NICE guidance

  CG185: Bipolar disorder assessment and management, September 2014 (updated February 2020)

Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership (KMPT) Formulary has detailed prescribing information:

  Mania and hypomania

  Bipolar depression

  Bipolar prophylaxis

Local shared care guidance

Shared care guidelines for lithium prescribing

 Antipsychotics are used in both an acute manic attack and in long term prophylaxis see links above for detailed information


  • Monitor levels (see KMPT links above for guidance - under lithium)
  • Caution with interactions - always check
  • Ensure patient has a lithium information record card

Preparations vary widely in bioavailability changing the preparation requires the same precautions as initiation of treatment

Pack Price
100 tablet (10 x 10 tablets) £16.42
Pack Price
100 tablet (10 x 10 tablets) £18.60

For Priadel liquid:  Lithium citrate tetrahydate 520mg (5ml) is equivalent to lithium carbonate 204mg.

For Li-Liquid: Lithium citrate tetrahydate 509mg (5ml) is equivalent to lithium carbonate 200mg.

Preparations vary widely in bioavailability changing the preparation requires the same precautions as initiation of treatment

Pack Price
150 ml £12.11

See here for Implementing MHRA Valproate Monitoring Guidance for Patients in Kent & Medway document

Pack Price
90 tablet
Pack Price
90 tablet

Unlicensed use. No longer endorsed by NICE

Use MR formulation to reduce the risk of side effects

Pack Price
30 tablet
50 tablet
56 tablet £5.20
60 tablet
Pack Price
30 tablet
50 tablet
56 tablet £10.24
60 tablet