MTW NHS Trust West Kent CCG

Drug Status Key

  • Preferred
  • Second Line
  • Third Line
  • Specialist Initiation
  • Hospital Only
  • Not Approved for Formulary

Mydriatics and cycloplegics

Important safety information

  1. Darkly pigmented iris is more resistant to pupillary dilatation and caution should be exercised to avoid over dosage.
  2. Patients should be advised not to drive for at least two hours after mydriasis.

Antimuscarinics dilate the pupil and paralyse the ciliary muscle. They vary in potency and duration of action. They are used in the treatment of anterior uveitis as an adjunct to corticosteroids.

Tropicamide is short-acting antimuscarinic (lasts for 4-6 hours) and is a relatively weak mydriatic. It is used to facilitate examination of the fundus of the eye.

Cyclopentolate acts for up to 24 hours.

Atropine acts for up to 7 hours.

Phenylephrine is also used for mydriasis in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.